Happy Holidays! Enjoy your holiday break from your friends at ESC-20. ESC-20 will be closed from December 23 - January 5.
Texas Dyslexia Academy Study Hall: Your Personalized Learning Boost! Feeling overwhelmed by the Texas Dyslexia Academies? Need a little extra support to navigate the TEALearn platform? Join our Study Hall and let us help you level up your professional development!January 6th, Session #109269February 17, Session #109270March 17, Session #109271Register now!
Hybrid: Utilization of USDA Foods in Cooking Explore strategies to integrate commodity items into the menu while also gaining insights on selecting items sourced from the USDA more effectively. January 14, Session #101450, Register now!This is a hybrid training. If you would like to register for the Virtual Option, please visit Session ID 108393
Bringing the Dazzle Back to ARDs: Revitalize and Refresh Join us for an engaging and dynamic all-day professional development conference designed to transform the way we approach ARDs (Admission, Review, and Dismissal meetings). This conference will provide a deep dive into the most pressing issues surrounding ARDs, from behavior plans and dyslexia accommodations to nursing services, transitions, and best practices for ensuring compliance and success. January 17, Session #105263, Register now!
Lunch & Learn: Informing the Social Studies Standards Framework: A Conversation with District 3 SBOE Member Perez This Lunch and Learn is an informal conversation with District 3 SBOE Member Marissa Perez. She wants to hear from you regarding a framework for social studies. If you would like to gain some insight into the topic and provide some input, we would love for you to join us! A lunch will be provided. January 22, Session #109434, Register now!
STEM by Design Conference Join us at the STEM by Design Conference, an immersive experience crafted specifically for 6th-8th grade teachers passionate about integrating STEM into their classrooms, but all grade level teachers are welcome. This event features hands-on sessions that range from innovative uses of drones and project-based learning to strategies for boosting student engagement. Discover creative approaches, collaborate with peers, and gather new tools to inspire the next generation of problem solvers and innovators. January 24, Session #105453, Register now!Opportunity to receive 6 G/T professional development hours for full-day conference attendance.
Learning Offsite-Texas 2022 PK Guidelines PD in the park: Mathematics The new 2022 PK Guidelines are out and updated! Join us for an innovative adult learning immersive experience! San Antonio is our classroom, come explore your city and the PreK Guidelines. We will meet rain or shine. This session will focus on mastering your understanding of the Mathematics Guidelines. January 29, Session #101714, Register now!This session will take place offsite.Physical Location of the Training:McGimsey Scout Park10810 Wedgewood Dr, Castle Hills, TX 78213
Virtual: Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) in the Preschool Classroom Virtual: The Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines offers detailed descriptions of expected behaviors across multiple skill domains that should be observed in three-to five- year-old children by the end of their prekindergarten experience. Since the fall of 2007, school districts in Texas have been responsible to assess and report the progress of all preschoolers aged 3-5 with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This virtual session will bridge the connection between Pre-K Guidelines and Early Childhood Outcomes. Participants will learn how to align each Prekindergarten guideline to one or more of the three Early Childhood Outcomes in order to drive instruction to ensure student success. Register today!This is a 2 day session:January 29, 2025 8:30-11:30amJanuary 30, 2025 8:30-11:30am
Person-Centered Training for Front-Facing Staff Through person-centered practices, we seek to establish meaningful connections and build strong relationships with our students, families, and colleagues. By actively listening, collaborating, and valuing the voices of all, we strive to co-create an educational experience that is engaging, inclusive, and supportive. January 29, Session #105714January 30, Session #105715Register now!
4 The Love of Learning - Core Content Conference The Love of Learning conference is dedicated to inspiring educators, administrators, and education enthusiasts to cultivate a deep passion for teaching and learning in the core content areas—Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies. This event will explore innovative practices, research-based instructional strategies, and real-world applications that make learning in these subjects engaging, meaningful, and relevant to students of all ages. February 1, Session #105627, Register now!*Free to Elevate20 Members