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Programs and Services » TExES Special Education EC-12 Exam (161) » Domain II — Promoting Student Learning and Development

Domain II — Promoting Student Learning and Development

Competency 003: The special education teacher understands and applies knowledge of procedures for planning instruction for individuals with disabilities.

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    • National Center on Intensive Intervention " Features of Explicit Instruction" - NCII, through a collaboration with the University of Connecticut and the National Center on Leadership in Intensive Intervention and with support from the CEEDAR Center, developed course content focused on enhancing educators’ skills in using explicit instruction. This course includes four modules that can support faculty and professional development providers with instructing pre-service and in-service educators who are learning to implement explicit instruction. 
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    • Texas Education Agency, Inclusion In Texas, ESC 20 "Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) State Guidance Document and Field User Guide" - The intent of these documents is to provide information to teachers who are assigned students receiving special education services and participate in the implementation of an individualized education program (IEP). This resource includes a number of tools, which help teachers consider the specially designed instruction (SDI) a student may need to access and progress in the general curriculum.  Teachers should gather information regarding specially designed instruction from all portions of the IEP. This resource includes information on modifications and accommodations and helps stakeholders discern between  instructional accommodations that can be used in the classroom and accommodations allowed on state assessments.
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    • Texas Education Agency, Inclusion In Texas, ESC 20 "Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Accommodation Companion Guides" - This companion document is intended to be used as a reference for educators. It describes tools that align with accommodations that may be included in some Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Section 504 Accommodation Plans, and/or linguistic accommodations for Emergent Bilinguals. A general description of the accommodation and examples of how this could appear in a student learning plan is provided to allow educators to see the connection between some accommodations that students may receive and the digital resources available to implement those supports. This is not an exhaustive list of accommodations that may be documented in a student learning plan; it is simply a list of a few high leverage tools.
Inclusion In Texas Logo
    • Texas Education Agency, Inclusion In Texas, ESC 20 "Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Instruction Field User Guides" - The SDI Field User Guides are intended to be a bridge between existing student support plans and the instructional content available within the High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) suite of resources from TEA.
       Each section of the document provides ways to connect HQIM to student plans and leverage the tools found in the HQIM resource. This document provides multiple ways to approach and plan for the provision of SDI and presents multiple lenses through which users can examine the connections between HQIM tools and the components of SDI
Progress Center Logo
Progress Center Logo
    • The American Institutes of Research, PROGRESS Center  "The Role of the Goal" -  During this 30 minute webinar, Alex Marken and Dr. Mitch Yell from the PROGRESS Center and Christopher Colosimo from Elkhorn Area School District (WI) provide an overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)’s requirements for measurable annual goals, explain the critical role that goals play in the development of a high-quality IEP, share essential elements for goal writing, and identify tips for developing goals that promote progress for students with disabilities.
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    • The IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University "Developing High Quality IEP's" - This module details the process of developing high-quality individualized education programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities. The module discusses the requirements for IEPs as outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with implications of the Supreme Court's ruling in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District. 3 HRS.
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    • The American Institutes of Research, PROGRESS Center, " IDEA and the IEP: From Compliance to PROGRESS" - This 30 minute course provides an overview of the seven required components of the individualized education program (IEP) as outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It explains how the required components of an IEP are interconnected and critically important for developing high-quality educational programming for students with disabilities, provides tips for developing IEPs that promote progress, and shares resources to learn more. This course is part of a larger series on IEPs.
  •  ESC-20 Logo
    • ESC-20 Special Education Media Library - This 15 minute video reviews the legal guidance, purpose and essential elements of standard-based Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) and Individual Education Program (IEP) goals.
  • ESC-20 Logo
    • ESC-20 Special Education Media Library - This 8 minute video reviews the process of collecting and analyzing data on student goals and objectives including legal foundations and effective steps.
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    • Texas Education Agency, Texas Sensory Support Network, ESC 11 - The Texas Sensory Support Network provides information and strategies for the development of communication, mobility, tactile skills, and environmental adaptations of students with disability and youth with sensory impairments, their families, and the professionals who serve them through collaboration with appropriate agencies and organizations.  Additionally, the network addresses diagnosis, evaluation, and educational programs for services to students in their home communities in support of the comprehensive statewide education plan for this student population.
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    • TEA, Region 13 "Accommodation Central" - Accommodations Central is an online site that provides access to  various accommodations and steps for implementations. Teachers may look by subject and select an accommodation that is suitable for the student. In addition, information regarding the use of the accommodation is provided, such as: if the accommodation is allowable on state assessment, if it is included with the use of Assistive Technology, different areas of disabilities that accommodation can assist, examples of what the accommodation looks like, and how to implement the accommodation. 
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    • TEA, ESC 18, The Legal Framework - Outlines resources by title under the framework of federal, parent, state and technical assistance categories. Additionally outlines all state and federal laws in an easy to access format with a glossary and search feature
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    • The American Institutes of Research, PROGRESS Center  "Recommendations and Resources for Preparing Educators in the Endrew Era" -  In this 60 minute webinar, Drs. Yell and Bateman draw on their recent article Free Appropriate Public Education and Endrew F. v. Douglas County School System (2017): Implications for Personnel Preparation in Teacher Education and Special Education. They provide an overview of Endrew’s impact on individualized instruction for students with disabilities and share six recommendations for preparing educators to meet the clarified requirements under Endrew. Drs. Tessie Bailey and Teri Marx, experts from the National Center on Intensive Intervention, illustrate how NCII resources and technical assistance supports can assist states, local agencies, and educators to address these recommendations and improve design and delivery of individualized instruction in academics and behavior.

Competency 004: The special education teacher understands and applies knowledge of procedures for managing the teaching and learning environment, including procedures related to the use of assistive technology.

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    • Resources coming soon
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    • BridgingApps - Network providing review information on apps designed to assist users in meeting a specific need. 
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Inclusion In Texas Logo
    • Texas Education Agency, Inclusion In Texas, ESC 20 "Assistive Technology" - Website dedicated to inclusive supports for students with disabilities specifically dedicated to assistive technology resources and trainings including state guidance documents, free professional development opportunities, literary resources for integration, augmented and alternative communication resources, assessment  and accessibility information and assistive technology loan library.
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Inclusion In Texas Logo
    • Resources coming soon

Competency 005: The special education teacher knows how to promote students’ educational performance in all content areas by facilitating their achievement in a variety of settings and situations.

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    • The IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University "Intensive Intervention" - This two part module, overviews data-based individualization and provides information about adaptations for intensifying and individualizing instruction and offers information on making data-based instructional decisions. Specifically, the resource discusses collecting and analyzing progress monitoring and diagnostic assessment data
Inclusion In Texas Logo
    • Texas Education Agency, Inclusion In Texas, ESC 20 "Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Accommodation Companion Guides" - This companion document is intended to be used as a reference for educators. It describes tools that align with accommodations that may be included in some Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Section 504 Accommodation Plans, and/or linguistic accommodations for Emergent Bilinguals. A general description of the accommodation and examples of how this could appear in a student learning plan is provided to allow educators to see the connection between some accommodations that students may receive and the digital resources available to implement those supports. This is not an exhaustive list of accommodations that may be documented in a student learning plan; it is simply a list of a few high leverage tools.
    • University of Florida, CEEDAR Center " Reimagining Classroom Experiences to Maximize Student Engagement" - This webinar focuses on engaging all learners through active classroom experiences. Participants will learn a variety of strategies to build relationships with students, create a learning environment that encourages active participation, and check for student understanding – all of which maximize student outcomes. We will discuss informal and deliberate methods to assess what students are learning during instruction to collect data and make informed decisions. 
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    • Texas Education Agency, Sam Houston State University, Student-Centered Transition Network - The Student Transition Website is dedicated to creating new pathways to a successful adult like for students with disabilities. Provides Texas Transition and Employment Guide and TED Training, Indicator 14 information, Remote Learning Library, early Childhood Resources, Online Professional Development and statewide contact supports for educators and families serving students disabilities.
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    • The IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University "Related Services" - This module offers a description of related services and an overview of the benefits they provide to students with disabilities in the general education classroom. It highlights five commonly used related services (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology Services, Social Work Services, and Psychological Services) and briefly highlights many of the other related services as identified through IDEA '04
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  • ESC-20 Logo 
    • ESC-20 Special Education Media Library - This 12 minute video reviews post-secondary training for students with disabilities including employment and independent living. 

Competency 006: The special education teacher understands and applies knowledge of issues and procedures for teaching appropriate student behavior and social skills.

    • U.S. Department of Education, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports - Website that supports schools, districts, and states to build systems capacity for implementing a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavior support to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of schools and other agencies. PBIS improves social, emotional, and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups by offering a variety of videos, professional development webinars, tools, publications and forums.
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  • Partners Resource Network logo
    • Partners Resource Network "Procedural Safeguards" online course - This self-paced course includes sections on procedural safeguards, PWN, written notice of refusal, parental consent, independent educational evaluation, FERPA, due process, age of majority, private school placements, discipline and ARD meeting parental rights
    • National Center on Intensive Intervention "Behavior Support for Intensive Intervention" -  NCII, through a collaboration with the University of Connecticut and the National Center on Leadership in Intensive Intervention and with support from the CEEDAR Center and PBIS Center, developed course content focused on enhancing educators’ skills in behavior support for intensive intervention. The course includes eight modules that can support faculty and professional development providers with instructing pre-service and in-service educators’ knowledge of behavioral theory and skills in designing and delivering effective behavioral supports for students with intensive needs.
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    • ESC-20 Special Education Media Library - This two minute quick reference video reviews PBIS implementation data, the three elements of increasing equity, and the five point intervention approach to school discipline.
    • National Center on Intensive Intervention "Building Social and Emotional Competencies Among Students with Intensive Needs" - In this 60 minute webinar, presenters Mara Schanfield and Zach Weingarten shared an overview of how social emotional learning (SEL) relates to intensive intervention and offer sample strategies and resources for building social and emotional competencies for students in need of intensive learning, social, emotional, or behavioral supports
    • National Center on Intensive Intervention "Focusing on the Function Of Behavior within the Context of DBI"  - The purpose of this training is to gain foundational knowledge of how all behavior serves a purpose or function. This foundational knowledge is core to understanding behavior, supporting students with challenging behavior, and diagnosing the function of behavior and developing effective behavioral interventions. This module introduces function of behavior and provides suggestions for how you can use this understanding within the context of a data-based individualization (DBI) process.
    • Region 13 "Behavior is Communication" - This webinar provides information on communication as it relates to behavior: how and why we communicate and how to investigate all of the components that go into reducing challenging behavior and supporting the development of appropriate behavior
    • Region 13 "The Power of Communication" - Here you will learn about communication needs, strategies, and interventions. Case studies are provided covering students across the autism spectrum including non-verbal, emerging verbal and verbal communicators
    • U.S. Department of Education, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports "Forum 2020 Comprehensive FBA/BIP Practices" - This session will describe essential practices for supporting students with more intensive behavioral support needs, introducing Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) as team-based comprehensive Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Support Plan model. PTR is research-based and includes a manualized protocol consisting of collaborative team processes, coaching structures, fidelity measures, and daily progress monitoring tools. Case examples from elementary and high schools will be shared.
  • ESC-20 Logo 
    • ESC-20 Special Education Media Library - This two minute quick reference video reviews the five areas of considering when creating a behavior intervention plan. 
    • Texas Education Agency, Tiered Interventions Using Evidence-Based Research, University of Texas at Austin "TBSI - Texas Behavior Support Initiative Course" - The Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI) is a state-level training that meets the requirements mandated by Texas Education Code 37.0021 and Texas Administrative Code 89.1053. TBSI provides foundational knowledge for the use of positive behavior interventions and supports for all students, including students with disabilities. While the TBSI training meets legislative requirements related to procedures for the use of restraint and time-out, it also provides a framework for sharing a wide range of foundational-level behavior strategies and prevention-based schoolwide, classroom, and individual interventions

Competency 007: The special education teacher understands and applies knowledge of transition issues and procedures across the life span.

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    • Resources coming soon
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  • ESC-20 Logo
  • ESC-20 Special Education Media Library - This 17 minute video reviews the process and requirements for students with disabilities as they transition through High School graduation.
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    • U.S. Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood "CONNECT Module 2" - This module was developed and is hosted by CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge. Learn about practices to help support children and families as they transition among programs in the early care and education system. Explain what is meant by intentional activities to support planning before, during and after the transition. Use a decision-making processes to help a child and family be prepared for and adjust to a new environment.