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Programs and Services » TExES Special Education EC-12 Exam (161) » Domain IV — Foundations and Professional Roles and Responsibilities

Domain IV — Foundations and Professional Roles and Responsibilities

Competency 010: The special education teacher understands the philosophical, historical and legal foundations of special education.

Progress Logo
Progress Logo
    • Resources coming soon
Inclusive Schools Network
  • Quizlet Logo
    • Region 15 - Special education terms Interactive quizlet flashcards
  •  Texas Project First Logo
    • Texas Project First - This website gives an extensive glossary of terms and definitions by alphabetical letter with hyperlinked resources included within each description.
Progress Center Logo
    • Resources coming soon
Progress Center Logo
Inclusive Schools Network
    • Inclusive Schools Network - Online Resources for news and information on culturally responsible instruction including global resource networking.
IRIS Center logo

Competency 011: The special education teacher applies knowledge of professional roles and responsibilities and adheres to legal and ethical requirements of the profession.

  • Resources coming soon
  • Resources coming soon
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
Partners Resource Network logo
    • Partners Resource Network "Procedural Safeguards" online course - This self-paced course includes sections on procedural safeguards, PWN, written notice of refusal, parental consent, independent educational evaluation, FERPA, due process, age of majority, private school placements, discipline and ARD meeting parental rights
Legal Framework Logo
    • TEA, ESC 18, The Legal Framework - This comprehensive framework outlines resources by title under the framework of federal, parent, state and technical assistance categories. Additionally outlines all state and federal laws in an easy to access format with a glossary and search feature.
    • ESC-20 Logo
Legal Framework Logo
    • TEA, ESC 18, The Legal Framework "Special Education Rules and Regulations" - The purpose of the side by side rules is to help educators, parents, and other stakeholders to better understand the federal regulations, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Texas Education Code (TEC), and the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), which is the Commissioner's and State Board of Education (SBOE) Rules.
Council with Exceptional Children Logo
ABA Logo
Department of Education Logo
Texas Health & Human Services Logo

Competency 012: The special education teacher knows how to communicate and collaborate effectively in a variety of professional settings.

                • Inclusion In Texas Logo
IRIS Center logo
Department of Education Logo
    • U.S. Department of Education  "Protecting Student Privacy Training" - FERPA 101: For LEA's. This online training course was developed by PTAC as an introduction to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and its requirements relating to the privacy and security of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in student records.  It does require a login but it should be free
Legal Framework Logo
    • TEA, ESC 18, The Legal Framework - Outlines resources by title under the framework of federal, parent, state and technical assistance categories. Additionally outlines all state and federal laws in an easy to access format with a glossary and search feature.
Partners Resource Network logo
CPIR Logo 
Region 13 Logo
Texas Parent to Parent Logo 
    • Texas Parent to Parent -Texas Parent to Parent provides support, information, and education to families of children of all ages who have disabilities or chronic illness.
    • ESC-20 Logo
      • ESC-20 Special Education Media Library -This 35 minute video defines family engagement and its connection to community and school climate including tips and tools to support meeting culturally-based needs.