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Programs and Services » Cohort of Leadership Associates (CoLA) » CoLA Program Overview

CoLA Program Overview


The Cohort of Leadership Associates (CoLA) is a State Board of Educator Certification approved alternative route to principal certification coordinated by Education Service Center, Region 20. CoLA is an intensive program of training and field-based work designed to develop and prepare quality school leaders in San Antonio and the surrounding areas.


Our vision is to be the definitive choice for individuals seeking principal preparation by providing quality training aligned with current best practices to create a strong, balanced leadership foundation.


CoLA Cohorts begin each June and commence the following August.  Application deadline is the last Monday in May.  Orientation takes place on the second Monday of June. 






Leadership Associates will participate in over 200 hours of leadership training within the six courses listed below.  Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) training and Texas Teacher Evaluation System and Support (T-TESS) Appraiser Certification are included in the program.  Associates can expect to receive training through a mixture of formats: face to face, virtual, and self-paced online modules which take place outside of classroom instructional time. 


Summer Courses: (Monday- Friday)

School Finance, Policy, and Law
Coaching and Developing Teachers


Fall/Spring Courses: (Saturdays or weekday evenings)

Instructional Leadership
School Leadership
Home, School, and Community Relations



Field-Based Practicum

To ensure success on all program expectations and state certification exams, it is critical for the leadership associate to acquire the consent of their campus administration in providing them with direct guidance and support, to include multiple opportunities for involvement in campus leadership activities.  The campus administrator will serve as the leadership associate’s Site Supervisor and mentor throughout the extent of the program and will be required to participate in 2 hours of online training. 


Leadership Associate expectations: 

        • Obtain 200 hours of on campus field-based leadership experiences.
        • Apply acquisition of skills through performance assessments concentrated in the areas of the TEA Principal as Instructional Leader Pillars: Communication with Stakeholders, Curriculum Alignment, Diversity and Equity, Data Driven Instruction, Hiring, Selection, and Retention, Observation and Feedback, Professional Development, School Vision and Culture, and Strategic Problem Solving. 
        • Plan, implement, and monitor an Action Research Project focused on improving student achievement, instructional practices, and overall campus culture.  


All CoLA program components are aligned with the TAC §241.15 Standards Required for the Principal Certificate and the TExES 268 Examination Framework.