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School Improvement » Comprehensive and Targeted Schools

Comprehensive and Targeted Schools

Identification of Schools for Improvement 

To align identification of schools for improvement under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) with the state’s accountability system, TEA utilizes the Closing the Gaps domain performance to identify comprehensive support and improvement (CSI), targeted support and improvement (TSI), and additional targeted support (ATS) schools.  
Comprehensive Support and Improvement Identification (CSI)  
To identify schools for CSI, TEA annually ranks all Title I campuses based on Closing the Gaps scaled scores. First, TEA determines the bottom five percent of Closing the Gaps outcomes by rank ordering the scaled scores of Title I campuses by school type—elementary, middle, high school/ K–12, and alternative education accountability. TEA then determines which campuses fell in the bottom five percent for each school type. Title I campuses that rank in their school type’s bottom five percent are identified for CSI. Please see Chapters 1 and 7 for additional information on school types.

Additionally, if any Title I or non-Title I campus does not attain a 66.7 percent six-year federal graduation rate for all students group, the campus is identified for CSI. 
Targeted Support and Improvement Identification (TSI) 
TEA uses Closing the Gaps domain data to identify campuses that have consistently under-performing student groups. A student group that misses the targets in at least the same three indicators, for three consecutive years, is considered “consistently underperforming.” Data from 2019, 2022, and 2023 are considered consecutive years for 2023 TSI identification. Data from 2022, 2023, and 2024 are considered for 2024 TSI identification, and so forth. The below chart shows additional years. A “no” is considered missing the target for 2019 and 2022. For 2023 and beyond, a student group that earns either a zero or one point for the indicator is considered as missing the target.
Chart with two columns. The first column is labeled 'Consecutive Years of Underperformance,' and the second column is labeled 'School Year Implementation'
Any campus not identified for CSI that has at least one consistently underperforming student group is identified for TSI. TSI identifies both Title I and non-Title I campuses. Campuses are evaluated annually for TSI identification. 
Additional Targeted Support Identification (ATS) 
ATS identification is based on a subset of TSI-identified campuses. ATS identifies both Title I and non-Title I campuses. Any TSI-identified campus has its identification escalated to ATS if it meets both ATS identification criteria. First, the campus must meet the identification for TSI by having at least one consistently underperforming student group. Second, the Closing the Gaps score for at least one consistently underperforming student group must be lower than the score used to identify the lowest performing five percent of each school type (the same cut point used to identify CSI).