Preschool Students Working With Female Teacher
Low Incidence Disabilities (LID) » STAAR Alternate 2

STAAR Alternate 2

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) Alternate 2 is an alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards. It is a standardized item-based assessment administered individually to eligible students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are receiving special education services. STAAR Alternate 2 fulfills the requirements of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Texas definition of a student with a significant cognitive disability is a student who:
  • exhibits significant intellectual and adaptive behavior deficits in their ability to plan, comprehend, and reason, and ALSO indicates adaptive behavior deficits that limit their ability to apply social and practical skills such as personal care, social problem-solving skills, dressing, eating, using money, and other functional skills across life domains;
  • is NOT identified based on English learner designation or solely on the basis of previous low academic achievement or the need for accommodations; and
  • requires extensive, direct, individualized instruction, as well as a need for substantial supports that are neither temporary nor specific to a particular content area. 
STAAR Alternate 2 image

Test Administrator Resources:

(updates yearly, please confirm correct testing year)
(updates yearly, please confirm correct testing year)

Test Administrator Trainings:

For Curriculum Framework, Essence Statements, TEKS Vertical Alignment Documents, and Instructional Terms Lists, scroll down to the middle of the STAAR Alternate 2 Resources website
Staar alt website
**Be on the look out HERE for upcoming STAAR Alternate 2 trainings at Region 20!**