Library Services
ESC-20 supports regional librarians and library staff in developing and sustaining effective school library programs. This support includes the annual ESC-20 Learning in Libraries Conference, professional development workshops that highlight trends, innovations, and best practices, and ongoing assistance through the Library Services Cooperative.
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Library Services CooperativesESC-20’s Library Services Cooperatives provide participating districts with access to a variety of resources and services designed to support instruction across all content areas, along with targeted assistance for library staff and supervisors. Library Services Co-op for Public and Open Enrollment Charter SchoolsMembership includes:
Library Services Co-op for Private Schools
Membership includes:
ESC-20 also serves as the educational partner for TexQuest, a program of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in support of K-12 libraries and is the home of the TexQuest Support Center.
TexQuest is a collection of digital instructional resources for K-12 public and open-enrollment charter school districts, partially funded by the state legislature and district participation fees. ESC-20 serves as an education partner to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and coordinates training and outreach. Librarians learn from each other! Please consider presenting at the conference. Sharing your story can inspire another librarian! Not sure you have something to say? Reflect on your library and the amazing things you do every day.
YOU have a story to tell!