Young Students Working Together
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) » Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

ESC-20 ECSE Support
ESC-20 ECSE Consultants provide professional development, coaching, and technical assistance for educators of students with disabilities ages 3-5 years (birth - 5 years for students with visual and/or hearing impairments). Technical assistance is a free one time service that may include classroom observation, feedback, and coaching as appropriate.  All support provided reflects current evidence based practices for young students with disabilities.  
ECSE is a service that is provided to students ages 3-5 years (birth - 5 years for students with visual and/or hearing impairments) with a disability.  Early intervention is key in leveling the playing field so that all students may find their own personal success.  
Please contact Sarah Cave or Diana Glass for additional information or to discuss your needs or complete the ECSE Support Request Form.  

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