Young Students Working Together
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) » ECSE Instructional & Location Coding

ECSE Instructional & Location Coding

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is a requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for all children, including preschool children with disabilities. Because providing preschool classes is not a requirement for local education agencies, finding natural environments for preschool-aged children with disabilities to receive special education services can be a challenge for school districts.

LRE Solutions

Some possible solutions to this challenge include partnerships with Title I Prekindergarten programs, Head Start, and community-based childcare facilities.
  • Title I programs are open to students who meet the income guidelines for eligibility (students with disabilities who do not qualify can also be included if they do not take away a slot from an eligible student).
  • Head Start programs have a mandate that 10% of the students they serve must be students with disabilities.
  • Community-based childcare centers can enter into agreements with local school districts in which training, personnel, and equipment can be exchanged for slots and/or tuition for children with disabilities. 

PEIMS Location Codes

The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) contains information and coding charts that can be used to determine a student's appropriate instructional setting code.  

The interactive decision tree is used to help generate the correct PEIMS code, Location Code, and ADA code for students receiving ECSE (PPCD) services.