Education & Early Childhood Development
It is the philosophy of the Education Service Center, Region 20 Head Start Program that young children need to be provided a stimulating, literacy-infused, and responsive environment in which to experience social and cognitive learning. Cultural and linguistic diversity is affirmed and carefully woven to create a tapestry that showcases the strengths and gifts of each child and family. Parent engagement/ involvement and community support are at the foundation of a child's success.
Home Visits
Teachers are required to make two home visits per school year. At the beginning of the school year, the teacher and the family set appropriate child development goals for the child. This is also a time to go over key program features. The second visit occurs near the end of the school year. The teacher and family review the goals previously established and discuss the progress the child has made in each area.
Classroom Curriculum
Three- and four-year old children receive instruction by certified teachers using developmentally appropriate, state approved curriculum. All teachers receive curriculum and child development training to meet the individual needs of each child.
Both curriculums for three- and four-year olds are developmentally and linguistically appropriate and recognize the individual rates of each child's development, individual interests, temperaments, languages, cultural backgrounds and learning styles
The program curriculums meet the Texas Pre-Kindergarten curriculum guidelines, as well as those required by Head Start Performance Standards.
Facts & Highlights
- Reading to your child 20 minutes per day has been shown to improve your child's reading skills later in life.
- Children who were early readers came from homes that provided a literacy rich environment.
- Head Start program curriculum meets the state expectations of the development of skills in the areas of phonemic awareness, numeric awareness, print awareness, use of language to communicate, use of complex and varied vocabulary, appreciation of books, and progress in ESL mastery.
- Throughout the school year, teachers, assistants and Family Services Associates receive on-going professional development. Topics vary depending upon the needs of the staff and program goals. New staff is provided ongoing assistance to learn the Head Start Performance Standards.
- Parents are given opportunities to increase their early childhood knowledge by accessing a variety of parent trainings that are online. Family Services Associates offer parenting education training topics.
- As the school year nears the end, the Head Start teachers meet with the kindergarten teachers to provide the children and families a smooth transition to kindergarten. Children are taken into the kindergarten classroom to interact with the students and teachers in order to prepare them for the coming year. Kindergarten teachers meet with program parents at the last Parent Committee meeting of the school year to explain the similarities and differences between Kindergarten and Head Start.