Preschool Students Working With Female Teacher
Living Science Materials Center » Delivery and Return Policies

Delivery and Return Policies

Delivery and Return Policies

Living materials are delivered within Region 20 by an ESC-20, Living Science van driver on a weekly basis. Non Region 20 schools should check with their Regional Service Centers for delivery schedule.
  • Live snakes are loaned for a 2 week period and are shipped in CB-70 tubs that are secured with heavy duty clips and a combination lock for safety purposes.
  • Materials that are to be returned are clearly marked and must be returned on the date indicated on the shipping label.
  • Rats, mice, gerbils, and hamsters are not required to be returned, however, the animal cages supplied at time of delivery are to be returned. Adequate food must be placed in the cage if returning animals to ESC-20.
  • All animals and materials will be delivered in ESC-20 owned containers and/or cages. All animal cages must be returned to ESC-20 on the next van pickup/delivery date following receipt of the animal. If special arrangements are required, contact the Operations Manager of the Living Science Materials Center.
  • Fish boxes (even if broken), all mealworm containers, cricket containers, culture cups, spray bottles and deionized water containers are to be returned to ESC-20.



Click Here for the eStore! Supplies available include: aquarium and hamster kits, earthworms, ant farms, Kritter Keepers, owl pellets and more!


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