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Programs and Services » Accountability & Assessment » Data Validation Monitoring (DVM)

Data Validation Monitoring (DVM)

The Texas Education Agency Performance-Based Monitoring staff develops and reports on a variety of data validation indicators, including indicators to examine leaver records, disciplinary data, and student assessment data.
Education Service Center, Region 20, assists districts with Data Validation Monitoring.
ESC-20 contacts:
Discipline Records - Yesenia Frade
Leaver Records - Patricia Zamora
Student Assessment - Dr. Sylvia Morales
LEAs may retrieve a copy of their PBM 2023 reports to determine if any 2023 indicators were triggered by logging into the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) portal to access the Accountability application.
Compliance Review Form
The Data Reporting Compliance Unit (DRCU) made Leaver and Discipline compliance review forms available to LEAs for download from the Intervention, Stage, and Activity Manager (ISAM) application accessible through TEAL