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Programs and Services » Accountability & Assessment » Results Driven Accountability

Results Driven Accountability


The Results Drive Accountability (RDA) system is used by the TEA as one part of its annual evaluation of LEA performance and program effectiveness. Education Service Center, Region 20, assists LEAs with Results Driven Accountability.
Our Services
  • RDA training sessions
  • RDA Technical Assistance
2023-2024 RDA Public Reports
  • RDA Determination Levels are expected to be available on RDA Public Reports January 10, 2024 at the TEA RDA Data and Reports page.
  • Notifications of monitoring requirements should be emailed to Districts and Charters the following day on January 11, 2024.

2023 - 2024 RDA

2023 Accountability Manual: Chapter 12 Results Driven Accountability (RDA) and Appendix K

Link to TAA Regarding RDA   *Dated 11/16/2023

  • Confidential/Unmasked Reports:  Fall 2023 RDA Reports were posted to the accountability application in TEAL on November 14, 2023 

  • Determination Levels  were available on Public RDA reports January 10, 2024 and posted in TEAL under the ASCEND application by January 24, 2024

  • TEA Results Driven Accountability Reports and Data site  RDA- District Reports Public Reports for RDA are expected to be posted second week of January 2024

Determination Levels: [Information will be updated when available]

RDA Workshops: ESC-20 will conduct training sessions to go over key aspects of the report encompassing the three program  areas (Bilingual/ ESL/EL; Other Special Populations, and SPED) in Results Driven Accountability when unmasked public reports and determination levels are posted. This training will review the RDA report, explain the Program Determination Levels and their impact on the monitoring activities, and discuss the eight step process for developing the Strategic Support Plan.




General RDA Questions

Program Area Contacts:

Bilingual/English Language Learners

Other Special Populations - Students in Foster Care

Other Special Populations - Students Experiencing Homelessness

Special Education