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Family Engagement » Family Engagement

Family Engagement

The Education Service Center, Region 20 Family Engagement Program provides training and support to school districts, charter schools, private schools and families to help strengthen home-school partnerships.

Family Engagement Program Initiatives:
  • Provide ongoing and direct training and support for district and campus staff who work directly with families;
  • Provide ongoing and direct training and support in building a sustainable framework for home-school partnerships;
  • Provide FREE weekly parent trainings on a variety of topics, including special education; and
  • Increase community awareness and supports.
The ESC-20 Family Engagement Department routinely sends out email communications. If you'd like to receive email communications on what's happening in the field of Family Engagement and ESC-20 Family Engagement initiatives, subscribe to the Family Engagement Network.  
Family Engagement Resources
Family Engagement Web Links

Title I Statewide Parent and Family Engagement Resources (Region 16)

Education World Parent Involvement in Schools

PTO Today School Family Nights Free Kits

PTO Today Parental Involvement Resources

Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Professional Development Guide

Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) Family & Community Engagement

HEAD START: An Office of the Administration for Children and Families—Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center Parent, Family & Community Engagement Resources

Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Simulation: Boosting School Readiness through Effective Family Engagement Series

Global Family Research Project Resources

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Family Engagement

Edutopia Family Engagement

Coalition for Community Schools Family Engagement

Achieving Excellence and Innovation in Family, School, and Community Engagement Webinar Series

National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse Programs

National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse Programs
(en español)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Parents for Healthy Schools Campaign

Harvard University Introduction to Family Engagement in Education Online Course

4 Parent Engagement Strategies for English Language Learners

Search Institute Free Downloads
Download resources on the Developmental Assets, Developmental Relationships, and Keep Connected Family Engagement Resources.

Six Insights for Educators Engaging Families of Special Education Students

New Teachers: Working with Parents

Collaborating with Families
This interactive module is designed to help teachers build positive relationships with families that highlights the diversity of families and addresses the factors that school personnel should understand about working with families of children with disabilities.