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Programs and Services » Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) » Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

What is MTSS?

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a tiered approach that schools use to support students, specifically those who are having difficulty with academics, behavior, or mental health.  MTSS is the broader umbrella framework that focuses on interventions to support the whole child.  This encompasses other utilized support systems such as Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS).  MTSS can include academic, behavioral, and/or mental health interventions for students. 
Through the MTSS process, schools identify students in need of additional support.  The MTSS team will set goals and provide students with evidence-based interventions to reduce academic and/or behavioral gaps.  The team will then use data to progress monitor and make decisions for each individual child.
MTSS/RtI should NOT be used to delay or deny access to special education or other systems of support for students, nor should it require a student to go through all MTSS/RtI tiers or spend a certain amount of time in MTSS/RtI before they are referred for a special education evaluation.  

About TIER

Tiered Interventions using Evidence-Based Research, or TIER, is a project funded by the Texas Education Agency.  TIER has developed a series of training modules for MTSS that covers the various components of the MTSS framework such as: roles & responsibilities of the problem-solving team, data-based individualization, student-centered approaches, and more.  There are role-specific pathways designed for both teachers and administrators with the goal of providing knowledge and materials to support MTSS implementation on campuses and throughout local education agencies.

Region 20 Education Service Center has certified MTSS trainers on staff to provide professional development and to provide support.  Please contact us to inquire about upcoming training sessions, for questions, or for coaching support.  We are here to help.

Education Service Center Region 20 has TIER certified trainers on staff.  We offer sessions for a variety of needs and pathways to include: Behavior, PBIS Supports, Mental Health, Leadership Pathways, Essentials, and Cultural and Linguistic Practices related to MTSS.  These sessions are also FREE to attend.  The above link will direct you to our sessions web page.  We are routinely adding new courses so we encourage you to check back often.  If you do not see what you need or if you have specific requests for your LEA, please contact Tausha.

In addition to training, the ESC 20 team can provide support through technical assistance and coaching.  Tausha can also help with this guidance.  Contact her with your requests or needs.

You can register for these FREE online training modules in TEA Learn.  There are many self-paced trainings available including pathways for teachers and for leadership.  Topics include: Overview of MTSS, Developing and Using an MTSS Problem-Solving Team, Student-Centered Approaches, Supports for Special Education Referrals and More!