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Programs and Services » Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) » ESC-20 Teacher Incentive Allotment Supports and Services

ESC-20 Teacher Incentive Allotment Supports and Services




We understand there are a lot of action items and information for TIA compliance, and we are here to help! Please contact us through the emails below to ask questions, seek resources, or discuss direct services for your LEA. 

We look forward to partnering with you with the goal of retaining and awarding highly effective teachers in our region! 


  • Application Support (System Application, Expansions and Modifications)
  • Developing a Local Designation System (Preparation for Initial Application for non-participating districts)
  • Stakeholder Engagement (Leadership, Appraisers, School Board, Teachers)
  • Student Learning Objectives 
  • Data Capture
  • Allotments
  • Spending Plans
  • Student Learning Objectives
  • TTESS Training/Refresher (in connection to TIA)
  • T-TESS Calibration (training for appraisers and on-site facilitation)
  • Student Growth Measures: Portfolios, Pre-Test/Post-Test, SLOs
  • Communication Resources

     Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Training

Logo for Texas Student Learning Objectives
Appraiser Two-Day SLO Training:
The Student Learning Objective (SLO) training is for districts considering or in the process of implementing SLO's as a student growth measure. Districts utilizing student learning objectives as a TIA student growth measure within their local designation systems are required to align their processes with the updated Texas SLO guidelines.  This training provides appraisers with an in-depth understanding of SLO and T-TESS connection and of the three SLO phases: Creating the SLO, Monitoring Progress, and Evaluating Success.  It is intended for administrators and instructional staff who will lead and implement this work. 
Appraisers will walk away with tools for T-TESS conferencing and instructional coaching, and for TIA implementation, as well as training resources to turn around to teachers. 
Teacher SLO Training/Workshop
We offer one day sessions for teachers to gain an in-depth understanding of the SLO process, as well as customizable support for your district or charter school to support teachers in creation and implementation of Texas SLOs. 

Please contact Gabby Joseph for more information on bringing these training opportunities to your district or charter school. 
T-TESS Refresher and Appraiser Calibration Training
We offer half-day sessions, virtually or on-site to equip appraisers with calibration protocols to facilitate in-house calibration sessions.  Please contact us to design a session customized to the needs of your district/charter school, which can also include a half-day T-TESS Refresher for certified appraisers. 
T-TESS Appraiser Calibration/Refresher

TIA T-TESS Calibration Training Series 

For regional districts creating a local designation system in accordance with the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA), ESC-20 is offering guidance and support through a series of training opportunities geared towards strengthening appraiser calibration across the district.      

Intended audience: Certified District Appraisers

TIA T-TESS Calibration Series:
These customized monthly sessions engage district appraisers in a sequence of training and collaborative activities designed to deepen T-TESS Rubric understanding and strengthen inter-rater reliability while embedding TIA foundational components.

Training topics include:
• T-TESS rubric analysis
• Lesson evaluations (video and live)
• Calibration activities
• Quality Evidence Analysis
• Coaching
• TIA Components

Series consists of a minimum of five half day sessions. $700 per half day session for up to 30 participants. Additional fees may be added for additional participants, planning, preparation, and materials.  

Teacher Incentive Allotment 2023-2024 (TIA) T-TESS Calibration Series Flyer