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Programs and Services » Teacher Orientation & Preparation Program (TOPP) » Teacher Certification FAQs

Teacher Certification FAQs

Certification content TExES exams are required to be passed in order to be eligible to teach.  In addition, completing a specific number of training hours and field-based experience must also be completed.  After acceptance, candidates are provided a course plan and timeline to complete tasks towards certification. An additional Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities test must be passed before standard certification is awarded.
TOPP provides a variety of certifications to teach in elementary, middle school to high school.  Certification being sought is dependent on a college degree and coursework. See Program Overview page for the complete list.
Candidates on average take 15 - 18 months to complete the program.  Due to state requirements, candidates must pass content exams and complete training hours.  TOPP provides virtual/face-to-face trainings on designated evenings and dedicated Saturdays along with online training. The program is designed to be part-time.
Definitely!  Candidates are recommended to continue working in their current career until they begin their job as a teacher.  TOPP provides training in the evenings and designated Saturdays to avoid conflict with job responsibilities.
Candidates will be provided pre-service training in which they will maintain working in their current careers.  After meeting eligibility requirements, candidates will seek a teaching position with a school district, charter school or TEA accredited private school candidates and will be employed as a teacher and receive a teacher salary.

The state of Texas has specific eligibility requirements which must be completed in order to be placed on an initial teaching certificate. This is a good thing!  As teachers, we are developing the future in supporting students.

The sooner you can join the program the better to allow yourself time to prepare and pass content certification exams and training preparation.

The total fee is dependent on the certification being sought. It is $5,595 or $6,145 for candidates seeking certification requiring the Science of Teaching Reading pre-requisite exam.  TOPP provides monthly payment plans.

Science of Teaching Reading is an additional exam requirement for candidates seeking certification in Core Subjects EC-6 (elementary), Core Subjects 4-8 (middle school), English Language Arts Reading 4-8 (middle school), English Language Arts Reading & Social Studies 4-8 (middle school).

TOPP has application deadline dates.  Joining the program sooner provides you time to prepare for exams and obtain the necessary training.  Preparing for content exams on average takes four months.  Some certifications require more than one exam to be passed.  The start of the new school year is right around the corner! 

Let us assist you on your journey to becoming an educator.  Become a TOPP Teacher!

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Teacher Candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to employment as an educator.


You may request a Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation from TEA only if:

  • You are enrolled or planning to enroll in an educator preparation program or you are planning to take a certification exam for initial educator certification, and
  • You have reason to believe that you may be ineligible for educator certification due to a conviction or deferred adjudication for a felony or misdemeanor offense.
If you have a complaint regarding the Teacher Orientation and Preparation Program, it is suggested you contact your TOPP consultant to discuss your concern. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached by working with your TOPP Consultant, it is suggested you contact the Program Coordinator to discuss your concern (See TOPP Team page). If you are unable to resolve your concern with the Program Coordinator, you may request a complaint form from the Program Coordinator to be completed and submitted to TOPP. You may review the formal complaint process in the current Teacher Orientation and Preparation Program Handbook located on the Resources and Links page of this website.
To file a complaint with the Texas Education Agency, visit the TEA Complaints Management page of the Texas Education Agency Website.