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Programs and Services » Behavior and Discipline » Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) and Non-violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) and Non-violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® 

By using Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® (NCI) training as part of a comprehensive crisis prevention and intervention plan, you can learn how to defuse challenging and disruptive behavior before an incident escalates to a crisis situation. Successful implementation leads to a change in organizational culture, a change in adult professional behavior, and a change in staff relationships with both service users and stakeholders. These changes offer many benefits to your staff, your organization, and the individuals you serve.
In accordance with Senate Bill 1196 of the 77th Texas Legislature, TEA developed rules related to the training on the use of restraint and time-out for student with disabilities. The Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI) training meets the requirements established in 19 Texas Administrative Code 89.1053

TEA: Written Summary of Restraint Use Sample Form

Principals must ensure that a Texas Behavior Support Initiative Core Team has been identified at their campus and that each TBSI Core Team member has completed the state-mandated online TBSI training. At a minimum, the TBSI Core Team must consist of three staff members:

  • Principal (or administrative designee familiar with all requirements for TBSI)
  • General Education Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher (if the campus does not have a full-time special education teacher, another teacher can be designated)


Newly-identified personnel called upon to implement time-out based on requirements established in a student’s IEP and/or BIP must receive training in the use of time-out within 30 school days of being assigned the responsibility for implementing time-out.

Personnel called upon to use restraint in an emergency and who have not received prior training must receive training within 30 school days following the use of restraint.

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Feel free to visit the School Safety Cooperative page for information on the services the cooperative provides including conducting school safety audits, providing technical assistance with Emergency Operations Plans, and training local education agencies on the Safe and Supportive Schools Program Requirements.
Senate Bill 712-Prohibited Aversive Techniques:
This recently added statute defines an “aversive technique” as a technique or intervention that is intended to reduce the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring by intentionally inflicting on a student significant physical or emotional discomfort or pain. Click the button below to see the list of prohibited aversive techniques: